Milne, A.A. 1928. The House At Pooh Corner. With illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard.
One day when Pooh Bear had nothing else to do, he thought he would do something, so he went round to Piglet's house to see what Piglet was doing.
Last January, I read and reviewed Winnie the Pooh. It was a reread, as is House at Pooh Corner, an indulgence, too, if you will. Milne's characters: Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Owl, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, even Rabbit's friends-and-relations like 'Small' are endearing. They're not just characters in a book, they're friends. And visiting with these particular friends is always pleasant, always welcome. If you haven't read his books--even if you're eighty-two--you really should! It's never too late to go to the 100 Acre Woods.
What will you find in House at Pooh Corner? Poohsticks. Hums. Blustery days. The arrival of Tigger, and so much more. It's written in such a way that you could open it up anywhere and find something quotable. It's just that good.
Here are some of Pooh's thoughts on Poetry taken from House At Pooh Corner.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Awh I love Pooh. I have a cute little stuffed Pooh in my room.
Immediately before I saw this post, I read that they've just authorized a sequal to these books. how timely!
I loved this book - I still have it somewhere ;0)
It has been a long time since I've read the Pooh books, but not so long that I don't recall just how amazing they are. Milne had such a way with words, he was a true genius with language, writing stories that are appealing to kids but also richly rewarding to read as a result.
This was lovely seeing this! I love the original Pooh books and I hate what Disney has done to them. Sigh.
I've loved Pooh since I was a little girl and I've built up quite a collection of of Pooh books over the past few years.
oh how i wish I knew what happened to the small hardback pooh books I had bought and read to my kids when they were young!! love the pooh books and can't even think about pooh without thinking of Sterling Holloway who was Pooh's voice for many many years . I was thrilled that at one time I did meet John Walmsley who was one who voiced Christopher Robin's voice around 1968 and was on the Waltons
I awarded you the Butterfly Award. http://emeraldfiresromancespot.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-received-butterfly-award-from-desert.html
I love Pooh Bear! I think it's time to visit him again.
BTW, I've left you a little something over at my blog. You can find it here!
How Winnie the Pooh got his name...
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