Monday, May 12, 2008

11th Edition of Bookworms Carnival & Other News

The Eleventh Edition of the Bookworms Carnival is up at the Scooter Chronicles. The next Bookworm Carnival will be hosted by Nymeth. The theme will be Fairy Tales. You have until June 13th to get you submissions in. Any questions or submissions can be emailed to untuneric at gmail dot com. I'm looking forward to that theme...the hard part will be choosing which book review to submit....think, think, think.

Susan Beth Pfeffer, awesome author that she is, is offering her fans autographed book labels/ book plates. Just email her and tell her you'd like one (or two or however many). susanpfeffer AT mail DOT com

Speaking of Susan Beth Pfeffer, we're two days into the discussion of Life As We Knew It. If you have a copy nearby, you'd probably find that you could catch up quickly if you want to join in. If you've read the book in the past, feel free to jump in as well.

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Friday, May 9th, 2008; Ch. 1-3; May 7th through May 19th
Monday, May 12, 2008; Ch. 4-6; May 20th through June 25th
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008; Ch. 7-8; July 2 through August 4th
Friday, May 16th, 2008; Ch. 9-11; August 6th through September 5th
Monday, May 19th, 2008; Ch. 12-14; September 6th through October 24th
Wednesday, May 21rst, 2008; Ch. 15- 17; October 26th through December 21rst
Friday, May 23rd, 2008; Ch 18-19; December 24th through February 7th
Monday, May 26th; Ch. 20-21; February 9th through March 20th

Note: Remember you don’t have to post on the actual day of discussion. Just post when you can.

And now for something completely irrelevant...
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

It's funny, it says there are four of me--and I don't doubt it. I've googled and know that there are at least that many. I then tried mom's name, and she is the one and only. I could have told you that! Before my sister married, there were 51 of her. A lot, but still reasonable. Now that she's married...there are 2, 849 of her. There are 468 of her husband, my brother. There are 22 of my dad.

1 comment:

Ana S. said...

You're more than welcome to submit more than one review, Becky! I look forward to seeing which ones you pick :)