Name: It's The End of The World (As We Know It) Challenge
Host: Me, Becky (of Becky's Book Reviews)
Dates: May 2008 - September 15, 2008
Books Required: at least three

- Books can be adult, young adult, or children's. (Though obviously, most will be YA on up.)
- Graphic novels can count.
- Audio books can count.
- Crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
- Rereads can count. But try to read at least one new-to-you book.
- Books read earlier in the year (January to April) can count in part for the challenge. (But not all three, please.)
- No lists are required, but you may post one if you like. I'd be curious to see what people want to read...
To sign up, please leave a comment on this post.
To share your thoughts and reviews, I'll be posting a monthly update on the 15th of each month. (June 15, July 15, August 15, September 15). If (or should I say when) I forget to post that update--please email me (laney_po AT yahoo DOT com) and remind me!!! I would welcome the nudge :) Though give me the benefit of the doubt and wait until the afternoon! I don't get up early. And sometimes it's hard to post before ten or twelve.
Suggested reads:
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau (and sequels)
The Sky Inside by Clare Dunkle
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
the dead and the gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Unwind by Neal Shusterman
the shadow series by Margaret Peterson Haddix
the uglies series by Scott Westerfeld
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus by Orson Scott Card
Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
Feel free to post suggestions in the comments as well if you like.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Noooooo! I swore, swore, swore I would join NO MORE CHALLENGES! But you went right for the jugular with this one...my very favorite type of read in all the world. I'm not even going to try to resist!
I'll be back with my link shortly. Thanks, Becky!
How many times have I said this this year: "damn it Becky!" lol...ok...I'm in for this one, I just have to come up with a list...I know The Dead and the Gone is going to be on it!
Okay, here's my list. Thanks again! I think ;)
Alright Challenge Pusher! My list is up: http://stuffasdreamsaremadeon.com/2008/05/16/stuff-stuff-and-more-stuff/
Well, I guess one more challenge is not a lot, but I hate Science fiction, gonna be hard to find 3 I can tolerate. Will search next week. Have no blog, use the list one. I am Lindy
I love the title of the challenge: reminds me of REM:
It's the end of the world
And I feel fine.
Becky, I'm in for this challenge. I'll read Life As We Knew It and The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer. I'm not sure yet about the third, but I'm in.
Crud--I just joined two new ones--haven't made the list for my challenge yet and now this! But, I've been waiting for a challenge like this so I can get those dystopian books on my shelf read (I love them but avoid them). :) I'll probably do Never Let Me Go, The Road, and A Brave New World. Thanks Becky for the challenge!
I was wavering. A big plus was the fact that you used an REM song for your title. That made me want to join. And of course I love this sort of fiction. But... SO OVERCHALLENGED already!
And then! Then you named a second Susan Beth Pfeffer book! I loved Live As We Knew It and want to read another of hers. Now I must join.
So glad you've joined! I don't remember if you read LAWKI this year or not, but if you read it in 2008 you may count it. I hope you enjoy The Dead and the Gone. It's different and good. :)
I don't know if you're aware, but if you want autographed book labels for Pfeffer's two books, she's sending them out free to those fans that will email her.
As to the others, I'm glad you've joined in as well :) I think I've visited most of your sites and welcomed you. If not, I certainly meant to :)
I did read it in 2008, in March, I think, and haven't even reviewed it yet. I am SO behind on reviews.
I found your link on Alix's blog and wanted to recommend the graphic novel series "Y: The Last Man."
This sounds like a fun challenge, although I probably won't be doing it because I'm finishing an apocalyptic story of my own this summer.
Thanks bunnygirl for the suggestion. :) I always appreciate hearing about good books!
Walter Tevis - Mockingbird
Harry Harrison - Make Room, Make Room!
T.C. Boyle - A Friend of the Earth
Like I could pass this one up!! You really are KILLING me Becky!! Here's my list! http://stephaniesbooks.blogspot.com/2008/05/its-end-of-world-as-we-know-it.html
This is too good of a challenge to pass up! I've posted my list at
Sign me up!
here is my post
I have given up trying not to join any more challenges, sign me up!
Oh no.... I've tried sooo hard to cut back on my challenge addiction. But this one is so fantastic that I just...can't....do it (as I collapse in a heap). I'll have a link soon.
Good luck to all Challenge-folk,
I'm in too - I really liked the dystopian challenge last year.
Here's my list
oh my goodness, this one is too tempting to pass up.
i'll try and have my list up this weekend.
Thank you Becky, for hosting this! Here's my list, if it's not too late to join.
I'm in. list at
Hi, I'm new at all this, and this challenge sounds fun. I hope I'm not too late to sign up. My list is at http://shermereem94.blogspot.com.
Just found this challenge and I have some ideas on books I could read for it. Hopefully I'm not too late to join.
Okay I'm in: http://smsbookreviews.blogspot.com/2008/06/end-of-world-as-we-know-it-challenge.html
I'm late but I would still like to participate if it's ok!
Here's my list
my first book for the challenge is complete.
the taking
Yes, I am joining insanely late.
But there are three of these type of books that I have wanted to read for a while and never got around to it. When I join challenges, I tend to read the books quicker. So I'm joining with a month and a half to go! haha.
Link: http://www.endoftheworldhope.blogspot.com
I've completed the challenge. My wrap up can be found at:
I finished!
Scroll to the bottom
Here are my reviews:
I dont' have a blog, and I won't be updating at A Novel Challenge until Oct, so here are mine. I did find it difficult, i Hate Sci fi, fantasy, war
1. Stephanie Meyers, Twilight
2. Browne, Sylvaia End of Days
3. Sheldon, Sidney The Doomsday Cronicle
Sylvia Browne was good and Sydney Sheldon was better than i thought it would be.
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