I brainstormed this "project" a week or so ago. But I've been keeping it secret because I didn't want hate mail. But I can't delay the inevitable, and I'm really excited about it. One because it's so diverse and the possibilities are endless...and two because I'm just super-excitable.
The full rules are available on that site. But long story short:
Your mission--if you choose to accept it--is to read, watch, listen, and review 42 sci-fi related items. (Items isn't the best word, but how else would you define all that this challenge could involve). What's acceptable? Practically everything: short stories, poetry (???), novellas, novels, episodes of TV shows, episodes of radio shows, movies, comic books, graphic novels, audio books, essays or articles about science fiction or science fiction writers, biographies of science fiction authors. This isn't quite as intimidating as it sounds. This is much more than a reading challenge. It would be intimidating (in all likelihood) to try to read that many books. But when you make each short story, each TV show episode count as individual items, then it is much more manageable I hope! (This challenge could be as easy as watching Season 1 and Season 2 of Stargate SG-1, for example.)I don't know about you, but I LOVE watching science fiction. (Especially Stargate, Star Trek, and Twilight Zone). Each episode, as I said, counts as an individual item. So it isn't as monstrous as it sounds.
The time frame? Officially starts January 1, 2009. Officially ends December 3, 2009. Giving you 42 weeks and 42 days.
The unofficial time frame? Whatever suits you. If you were to start today, May 17th, for example, you'd have 1 year, 6 months, and 16 days.
Sign ups are over there.
I'm so in for this one! This works perfectly for me since I love sci-fi so much...I can definitely manage 42 "items" especially if I start now! I'll do a post on it later. Cool!
If I started now I could count all these Battlestar Galactica episodes my husband is making me watch - in the interest of together time, you understand.
I'd love to welcome you, Pam, if you want in :) I do understand about together time mostly. It's a somewhat slightly funny story. I started watching Stargate SG-1 when it aired at night. I think it was on 11-12ish. I loved it. Little did I know that Dad was watching it during the daytime when it aired in the afternoons. Then one day we were like, "You watch stargate??? Me too!!!" We had been watching separately a year or so before we caught on that the other was just as big a fan. Then he started buying the seasons and we've had plenty and plenty and plenty of together time ever since. It was then my mission in life to convert my brother-in-law and sister to stargate. It worked like a charm. :) He then set out to convert his brother and sister-in-law and then that worked like a charm. So the love just goes on and on.
Oh Becky, this sounds like soooo much fun! I think I'll try to be good and wait until the official start date. (Oh, who am I kidding...I need to wait so I can get some of these other challenges done first!)
I'll be in for this next year Becky. I've never watched Stargate, but my Dad loves it. Maybe I'll give it a try. My thing is Star Trek TNG and the old series Lost in Space.
Debi...come on...join us....:)
Susan, I'm glad you'll be joining in. You should definitely give Stargate a try. Not that I'm biased or anything. I LOVED Star Trek TNG. I remember watching it every Sunday night (without fail) right from the series premiere through the series finale. And I was ecstatic when I got the DVD seasons for Christmas a while back. :) I'll be watching TNG as well for this challenge!
I don't think I ever saw Lost In Space though I've heard of it of course mostly in reference to that movie version that came out a few years ago--although "few" could be an understatement and go back as far as ten or thirteen years. :)
Susan, one more thing :) If you want to join the blog for the challenge, I'll need your email address. If you don't feel comfortable posting it online, you may email me privately at laney_poATyahooDOTcom
I love to join the blog Becky. My email is eightcatzATgmailDOTcom
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