Have your book-tastes changed over the years? More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance?
Somewhat. I know that sounds like an easy out, but I'll try to qualify it. My tastes have broadened through the years, but I rarely stop liking a genre completely. One change that I have noticed is my maturity. Growing up--and even as a teen--I avoided certain types of books. Books that dealt with death, with dying, with grief, with abuse, with sorrow. The younger me needed a world that was happy and safe. To read about sexual abuse or physical abuse...to read about parents or grandparents or siblings dying...so wasn't ever ever ever going to happen. So as an adult, I can handle more "dark" and "serious" books. That doesn't mean I only read those types of books. I still like light, fun reads occasionally. But I'm not as boxed in as I once was.© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
i think saying one's tastes have broadened is a nice way to put it. i'm the same way. i still love what i've always loved, but i've been exposed to so many new genres in the past ten years or so and it surprises me how much i've enjoyed! :-)
I think I've had just the opposite experience. I believe I was better equipped to handle darker, or more serious stuff when I was younger. It seems to be the older me that needs the happy, safe world!
Interesting post. I'm Late this week but the topic prompted a reflective account on the issues
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