Monday, June 09, 2008

Summer Goals Meme

I was tagged by the oh-so-fabulous Jen Robinson for the Summer Goals Meme. The meme originated at A Year of Reading. The purpose is to share your top four goals for the summer. I also made some faith-based goals on this site.

Reading. Reading is like breathing to me...fundamental and almost effortless...but I could always use with a bit more focus and structure. I have several reading related goals. One is to read more 2008 books. Why 100? Well, that's 10 books a week for 10 weeks. September 11th is 13 or 14 weeks away which gives me some room for adjustments.

100 "2008" books by September 11, 2008

0 / 100 books. 0% done!

Picture books can count when necessary.

The second is to catch up on reading all the 2007 books that were so wonderfully and graciously sent to me last year to review. Even reviewing 30-40 books a month, I still have an ENORMOUS (hundreds and hundreds) pile of books that I need to get to.

10 "2007 or 2006" books by September 11, 2008

0 / 10 books. 0% done!

The third is to read more Christian books both fiction and nonfiction

10 "Christian" books by September 11, 2008

0 / 10 books. 0% done!

The fourth would be to spend more time with friends and family. Specifically my sister and brother-in-law. But also, of course, my parents. :) And the wonderfully-fantastic Julie. And Kimberley if she makes time for me. And Cynda. And any official and unofficial baby reviewers I come across. *It sure would be a LOT easier to spend time with people having fun if gas wasn't so expensive. * Specific goals might be watching seasons of Stargate or Star Trek or going to the movies. :) Unfortunately, it won't include eating ice cream :( Unless it's ice dream at Chick-fil-a. (I don't really want to know why this lactose intolerant person can magically eat ice dream but get armageddoneshly ill eating ice cream.) Oh how I love Chick-fil-a.

I just thought of a new one. I want to interview more authors!!! That's a good goal to have!

Do you want to play along with me? Want to set some goals? Then please join in and consider yourself tagged. As for official tags, I choose....Sarah Miller, Debi, J. Kaye, Susan and Dewey. The goals (by the way) do not have to be related to books unless you want them to be.

Fun goals that I thought about including: 1) going to the library once a week 2) watching at least one episode of Stargate a day. But I chose to go with 'higher' and 'purer' goals.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


Jen Robinson said...

I don't know, Becky... I kind of like the hamburger place goal.

Thanks for playing! I knew that you would be up to the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Becky I don't know how you do it. Sometimes I think you are plain crazy! ;) I wish I could read like you, you are my reading idol!

Debi said...

"Higher and purer" crack me up! I'll definitely play along, but of course, my goals will look utterly pathetic compared to yours!

Darcie said...

I have never had Chic-Filet ice cream! I am going to have to try it. :) I am with you on the gas prices. I live 4.5 hours away from my family. We try to get back once a month - this summer we will probably reduce that to once period, because gas prices are so high. Great goals!!

Dewey said...

I'm not ignoring my tag. I'm just mulling over what I might have as a goal. Just to let you know!

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)