Sunday, June 08, 2008

Challenge Wrap-up for 48 Hour Readathon

Hours spent total: 27 hours
Reading: 24
Blogging: 3
Books read: 14
Books (completely reviewed): 11
Pages: 3, 772

Favorites from the stack: 1) The Adoration of Jenna Fox; 2) The Willoughbys 3) Jessie's Mountain 4) Climbing the Stairs by Padma Venkatraman 5) Savvy by Ingrid Law

Complete Listing:
The Search for the Red Dragon by James A. Owen
Demigods & Monsters, edited by Rick Riordan
The Floating Circus by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer
Savvy by Ingrid Law
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson
Gods of Manhattan by Scott Mebus.
Aurelia by Anne Osterlund
Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs.
The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry
Jessie's Mountain by Kerry Madden
The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner
Blue Like Friday by Siobhan Parkinson.
Take Me There by Susane Colasanti.
Climbing the Stairs by Padma Venkatraman

What I Learned:

Reading during the day is unnatural.
Reading during the day makes me sleepy; reading at night keeps me awake. I still can't figure that one out! I never *ever* get tired at night when I'm reading. But during the day, after thirty minutes of reading, I'm off to napville.
Reading this many books can be straining to the eyes.
It's smarter (healthier) to only compete with yourself.
It's best to double-check the rules. I learned *after* the challenge ended (for me) that up to three graphic novels were allowed. D'oh! Why didn't I get that memo? Now I'm really really wishing that I could go back in time.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


Charlotte said...

What a nice lot of books! I will be coming back to read your reviews...

And hmm. I didn't know that about the graphic novels either--not that it would have made a difference in the larger scheme of things!

Jen Robinson said...

I'm so dying to read the Adoration of Jenna Fox, Becky. I would have read it this weekend, but I don't have a copy yet, and I didn't want to take time out from the challenge to go get one.

I do agree with you about only competing with yourself.

Kitty said...

Congrats Becky! You did great on the read a thon. I'm looking forward to your reviews.

chrisa511 said...

Congrats again Becky! I am the EXACT same way! I can't read at all during the just knocks me out. But give me a book at night and I'll stay up until the sun rises.....and then crash :p

Debi said...

Congrats again, Becky! Get some rest, and I hope you feel better soon!

Dewey said...

Oh, The Adoration of Jenna Fox! I just ordered that because Renay said it was her favorite YA of the year so far. I'll head over to your review of it now. Congrats on doing so well in the challenge!