Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Perfect Fifths

McCafferty, Megan. 2009. Perfect Fifths. 258 pages.

When Jessica Darling blindly collides into Marcus Flutie on this crisp, unclouded January morning, she can't remember the last time she had imagined where she would be--and who he would be--at the moment of their inevitable collision. For him, however, it's a very different story.

Since a review consisting of "wow, wow, wow" and "love, love, love" probably isn't ever going to do this one justice, I'm a little at a loss for words. It's the fifth in the series. Sequel to Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds and Fourth Comings. The first four books are told in the first person. Jessica Darling, our heroine, usually plays the role of narrator. But in this fifth installment, there's a switch--a clever switch in my humble opinion. Here we get the third person account of one of my favorite, favorite couples: Marcus and Jessica. And for the *very* first time, readers are able to get into the mind of Marcus!

Marcus Flutie, oh how I love you. I've always loved you. You had me at hello back in Sloppy Firsts. What does it say about me that I always take your side over Jessica's? Well, some of the time, at least. It's not that Marcus is perfect. It's just that there is something so unconditional about my love for Marcus that makes me care even when he's being difficult. And that something unconditional is how Marcus feels about Jessica. He loves her for who she is, for what she is, loves her unconditionally and without strings attached.

Perfect Fifths is practically perfect in every way. It's giddy making too. (I'd say squeal-worthy, but would you be able to interpret that as a good thing???) I really liked that Fourth Comings focused on one week. And I loved--just loved--that Perfect Fifths is just one day. (Well, not even a full twenty-four hours.) But oh what a day! A day for the history books. Well, it is if you're Marcus. Or Jessica. Or Marin. (I love that her niece is always there telling her that she should be with Marcus. I love, love, love that Jessica ends up telling Marin first that she's bumped into Marcus. I loved Marin's response. For that would be my response too.)

What is Perfect Fifths about? It's about the potentially awkward first meeting after the big break up of Fourth Comings. It's been a little over three years (three years and three months give or take a week) since they've last seen each other, since they've last spoken, since she said no to his proposal. Where do they meet? An airport. She's on her way to Percy and Bridget's wedding. But. She misses her flight. Just barely. Marcus is at the airport too. He's just returned (along with his roommate, the ever-annoying Natty) from New Orleans. While she's waiting for another flight, Marcus is there to keep her company. The whole book is practically their dialogue, their conversations, over the course of this one day. I think that is what makes this one so very, very amazing.

As you can see, I just loved this one. I could pick out all the little things I loved. (Like part three which is told through he-and-she-said senryu verses. And part four had some great chapters. Did chapters 15/16 make anyone else giddy??? And this isn't even getting to the best parts. Like the elevator conversation. But really, when it comes down to it, how could I ever choose which parts are my favorite and my best???) This story's charms are often in the details. But some things I think readers should discover on their own. It's best that way. Trust me.

I really appreciated where this one went. Jessica is finally, finally grown up. And while I thought I would never admit this, I am actually quite proud of the woman she's become. She's changed a lot since those days when she filled all her journals with whine, whine, whine. She's gone from being someone with a horrible attitude and annoying, obnoxious qualities to someone who thinks before she speaks, who thinks before she acts. She's got a heart now. And she's thinking of others beside herself. And finally, finally I think maybe she is someone worthy of Marcus.

Have you read any in this series? What did you think? If you've read this one, do you have a favorite part?

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


nichollelee said...

Very well said. Marcus, you really can't not fall in love with him. I write to him often in my blog.

Jennie said...

See, I liked this one because MARCUS finally grew up. I could see Jessica growing up all along, not quite there yet, but on her path. Marcus did a lot to attempt to grow up, but I wasn't sure he was ever going to do it and stop playing mind games (those postcards? One big mindgame!)

I wouldn't say Jessica was finally worthy of Marcus, but that the two of them finally got it.

Also, I like that being an adult doesn't mean being happy or unhappy, it's just as complicated as it really is.