"Guess what?" Ramona Quimby asked one Friday evening when her Aunt Beatrice dropped by to show off her new ski clothes and to stay for supper.
Big changes are on the way for Ramona. And it all starts off with Howie's rich uncle. Aunt Beatrice is an important-but-not-often mentioned character in the Ramona books. She was definitely a player in Beezus and Ramona. But not much has been said about her since, not really. But all that changes in Ramona Forever. You see, Aunt Beatrice will soon not be the old-maid aunt anymore. Not when she meets (and gets reacquainted with) Howie's uncle, Hobart. And she's not the only one that is changing. Mrs. Quimby is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Ramona soon won't be the baby! Shocking concept isn't it? Soon they'll be another little Quimby running around and being a pest. Yes, changes are on the way. And Ramona isn't quite sure she's ready for them all. She's grown up quite a bit, but there's always more to do!
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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