Librarians' Choices 2006
About Librarians' Choices:

The Librarians' Choices project began as a class assignment in Fall, 2003 at Texas Woman's University, with graduate students in Library Science enrolled in a Book Reviewing class. It has since evolved into a significant professional development activity involving volunteer teachers, librarians, and librarians-in-training associated with the School of Library and Information Studies at TWU. They spent the fall, 2006, semester reading and discussing hundreds of new books for children and young adults provided by major publishers. In addition, other titles by other publishers were also sought out, read, and discussed. Participants determined which titles were most outstanding based on literary quality, appeal to children and young adults, the typical needs of a school or community library, and a comparative study of other professional review sources. Although we did not have access to ALL the children's and YA books published in 2006, nor did every student read every book as one would expect in a formal review or award committee, we did our best to be comprehensive and thorough.

In the end, a limit of 100 titles was set, with approximately half of the list being designated for picture books and half of the list designated for novels. Poetry and nonfiction titles were also incorporated as appropriate. As a culminating activity, each participant chose approximately nine titles to study closely and review. These reviews include a complete bibliography of each title with a description and analysis of the book, as well as connections for sharing the book with child/teen audiences and recommendations for related books to combine or compare with the featured title. The goals of the project are twofold, to develop participant knowledge base about current books for children and young adults and the ability to read and write critically about these books and to use this experience to create a professional resource for others interested in choosing outstanding and intriguing books for the young people they serve.
Texas Woman’s University
School of Library and Information Studies
Librarians’ Choices 2006
Master List
1. Agee, Jon. 2006. WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? New York: Dial. ISBN 0803730942 [Suggested Grade Levels 1 – 6]
2. Alegria, Malin. 2006. ESTRELLA’S QUINCEANERA. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0689878095 [Suggested Grade Levels 6-12]
3. Anderson, M.T. 2006. THE CLUE OF THE LINOLEUM LEDERHOSEN. Ill. by Kurt Cyrus. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 0152053522 [Suggested Grade Levels 4-8]
4. Anderson, M. T. 2006. THE ASTONISHING LIFE OF OCTAVIAN NOTHING, TRAITOR TO THE NATION, Volume 1: THE POX PARTY. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. ISBN 0763624020 [Suggested Grade Levels 9 – 12]
5. Aston, Dianna. 2006. AN EGG IS QUIET. Ill. by Sylvia Long. San Francisco: Chronicle. ISBN 0811844285 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-2]
6. Balliett, Blue. 2006. THE WRIGHT 3. Ill. by Brett Helquist. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439693675 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-8]
7. Bateman, Teresa. 2006. KEEPER OF SOLES. Ill. by Yayo. New York: Holiday House. ISBN 9780823417346, 0823417344 [Suggested Grade Levels 2 – 6]
8. Beaumont, Karen. 2006. MOVE OVER ROVER. Ill. by Jane Dyer. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 0152019790 [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
9. Bledsoe, Lucy Jane. 2006. HOW TO SURVIVE IN ANTARCTICA. New York: Holiday House. ISBN 0823418901 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-8]
10. Brown, Tricia. 2006. SALAM: A MUSLIM AMERICAN BOY’S STORY. Photos by Ken Cardwell. New York: Henry Holt. ISBN 0805065385 [Suggested Grade Levels 1-4]
11. Brown, Calef. 2006. FLAMINGOS ON THE ROOF. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0618562982 [Suggested Grade Levels K-5]
12. Budhos, Marina. 2006. ASK ME NO QUESTIONS. New York: Atheneum. ISBN 1416903518 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-10]
13. Bulion, Lesley. 2006. HEY THERE, STINK BUG! Ill. by Leslie Evans. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. ISBN 158089304X [Suggested Grade Levels 3-6]
14. Bunting, Eve. 2006. ONE GREEN APPLE. Ill. by Ted Lewin. New York: Clarion. ISBN 0618434771 [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
15. Carter, Ally. 2006. I’D TELL YOU I LOVE YOU, BUT THEN I’D HAVE TO KILL YOU. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 1423100034 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
16. Child, Lauren. 2006. BUT EXCUSE ME THAT IS MY BOOK. New York: Dial. ISBN 0803730969 [Suggested Grade Levels K-1]
17. Cohn, Rachel, and David Levithan. 2006. NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST. New York: Random House. ISBN 0375835318 [Suggested Grade Levels 10- 12]
18. Cunnane, Kelly. 2006. FOR YOU ARE A KENYAN CHILD. Ill. by Ana Juan. New York: Atheneum. ISBN 068986194X [Suggested Grade Levels 1-4]
19. de la Cruz, Melissa. 2006. BLUE BLOODS. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 0786838922 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
20. DiCamillo, Kate. 2006. THE MIRACULOUS JOURNEY OF EDWARD TULANE. Ill. by Bagram Ibatoulline. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. ISBN 0763625892 [Suggested Grade Levels 3-8]
21. Draper, Sharon. 2006. COPPER SUN. New York: Athenaeum. ISBN 0689821816 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
22. Elya, Susan Middleton. 2006. BEBE GOES SHOPPING. Ill. by Steven Salerno. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 015205426X [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
23. Engle, Margarita. 2006. THE POET SLAVE OF CUBA: A BIOGRAPHY OF JUAN FRANCISCO MANZANO. Ill. by Sean Qualls. New York: Henry Holt. ISBN 0805077065 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
24. Fleischman, Sid. 2006. ESCAPE! THE STORY OF THE GREAT HOUDINI. New York: Greenwillow. ISBN 0060850949 [Suggested Grade Levels 4-9]
25. Frazee, Marla. 2006. WALK ON! A GUIDE FOR BABIES OF ALL AGES. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 0152055738. [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-2]
26. Freedman, Russell. 2006. FREEDOM WALKERS: THE STORY OF THE MONTGOMERY BUS BOYCOTT. New York: Holiday House. ISBN 0823420310 [Suggested Grade Levels 3-8]
27. Freedman, Russell. 2006. THE ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO. Ill. by Bagram Ibatoulline. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 043952394X. [Suggested Grade Levels 4-9]
28. Frost, Helen. 2006. THE BRAID. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. ISBN 0374309620 [Suggested Grade Levels 6 – 10]
29. Gould, Robert. 2006. FATHER AND SON READ-ALOUD STORIES. Ill. by Lara Gurin. Carlsbad, CA: Big Guy Books. ISBN 1929945671 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-2]
30. Govenar, Alan. 2006. EXTRAORDINARY ORDINARY PEOPLE: FIVE AMERICAN MASTERS OF TRADITIONAL ARTS. New York: Candlewick. ISBN 0763620475 [Suggested Grade Levels 6-12]
31. Gratz, Alan. 2006. SAMURAI SHORTSTOP. New York: Dial. ISBN 0803730756 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
32. Gravett, Emily. 2006. WOLVES. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 1416914919 [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
33. Grimes, Nikki. 2006. THE ROAD TO PARIS. New York: Putman. ISBN 0399245375. [Suggested Grade Levels 4-8]
34. Hardinge, Frances. 2006. FLY BY NIGHT. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0060876271. (Suggested Grade Levels 5-9]
35. Harris, Robie. 2006. IT’S NOT THE STORK!: A BOOK ABOUT GIRLS, BOYS, BABIES, BODIES, FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. Ill. by Michael Emberley. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. ISBN 0763600474 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-3]
36. Harvey, Gill. 2006.ORPHAN OF THE SUN. New York: Bloomsbury. ISBN 1582346852 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-8]
37. Hatkoff, Isabella, Craig Hatkoff, and Paula Kahumbu. 2006. OWEN AND MZEE; The True Story Of A Remarkable Friendship. Ill. by Peter Greste. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439829739 [Suggested Grade Levels K-5]
38. Hautman, Pete. 2006. RASH. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 9780689868016 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
39. Headley, Justina Chan. 2006. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH (AND A FEW WHITE LIES). New York: Little, Brown. ISBN 0316011282 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
40. Hopkinson, Deborah. 2006. UP BEFORE DAYBREAK: COTTON AND PEOPLE IN AMERICA. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439639018 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-12]
41. Ichikawa, Satomi. 2006. MY FATHER’S SHOP. La Jolla, CA: Kane/Miller. ISBN 1929132999 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-3]
42. Jansen, Hanna. 2006. OVER A THOUSAND HILLS I WALK WITH YOU. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda books. ISBN 1575059274 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-9]
43. Jaramillo, Ann. 2006. LA LINEA. New Milford, CT: Roaring Brook Press. ISBN 1596431547 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
44. Klages, Ellen. 2006. THE GREEN GLASS SEA. New York: Viking. ISBN 0670061344 [Suggested Grade Levels 4-6]
45. Knudsen, Michelle. 2006. LIBRARY LION. Ill. by Kevin Hawkes. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. ISBN 0763622621 [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
46. Kring, Sandra. 2006. THE BOOK OF BRIGHT IDEAS. New York: Random House. ISBN 0385338147 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
47. Kurlansky, Mark. 2006. THE STORY OF SALT. Ill. by S.D. Schindler. New York: Putnam. ISBN 0399239987 [Suggested Grade Levels 3-6]
48. Larios, Julie. 2006. YELLOW ELEPHANT; A BRIGHT BESTIARY. Ill. by Julie Paschkis. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 0152054227 [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
49. Liao, Jimmy. 2006. THE SOUND OF COLORS: A JOURNEY OF THE IMAGINATION. Trans. by Sarah L. Thomson. New York: Little, Brown. ISBN 0316939927 [Suggested Grade Levels 2-5]
50. Lin, Grace. 2006. THE YEAR OF THE DOG. New York: Little, Brown. ISBN 0316060003 [Suggested Grade Levels 2-5]
51. Lipsyte, Robert. 2006. Raiders Night. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0060599464. [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
52. Look, Lenore. 2006. UNCLE PETER’S AMAZING CHINESE WEDDING. Ill. by Yumi Heo. New York: Atheneum. ISBN 9780689844584, 0689844581 [Suggested Grade Levels K – 5]
53. Lupica, Mike. 2006. HEAT. New York: Penguin. ISBN 0399243011 [Suggested Grade Levels 6- 9]
54. Lyga, Barry. 2006. THE ASTONISHING ADVENTURES OF FANBOY AND GOTH GIRL. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0618723927 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
55. Markle, Susan. 2006. RESCUES! Minneapolis: Lerner. ISBN 0822534134 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-8]
56. McCaughrean, Geraldine. 2006. PETER PAN IN SCARLET. Ill. by Scott M. Fischer. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 1416918086 [Selected Grade Levels 4-6]
57. McCormick, Patricia. 2006. SOLD. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 0786851716 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
58. McCully, Emily Arnold. 2006. MARVELOUS MATTIE: HOW MARGARET E. KNIGHT BECAME AN INVENTOR. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux. ISBN 9780374348106, 0374348103 [Suggested Grade Levels 2 – 6]
59. McKissack, Patricia C. 2006. PORCH LIES: TALES OF SLICKSTERS, TRICKSTERS, AND OTHER WILY CHARACTERS. Ill. by Andre Carrilho. New York: Random House. ISBN 0375836195 [Suggested Grade Levels 4-10]
60. Meyer, Stephenie. 2006. NEW MOON. New York: Little, Brown. ISBN 0316160199 [Suggested Grade Levels 8-11]
61. Moriarity, Jaclyn. 2006. THE MURDER OF BINDY MACKENZIE. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439740517 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
62. Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. 2006. DAIRY QUEEN: A NOVEL. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0618683070 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
63. Myers, Walter Dean. 2006. JAZZ. Ill. by Christopher Myers. New York: Holiday House. ISBN 0823415457 [Suggested Grade Levels 1- 6]
64. Nakagawa, Hirotaka. 2006. SUMO BOY. Ill. by Yoshifumi Hasegawa. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 0786836350 [Suggested Grade Levels K- 3]
65. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. 2006. ROXIE AND HOOLIGANS. New York: Atheneum. ISBN 1416902430 [Suggested Grade Levels 2-5]
66. Nolan, Han. 2006. SUMMER OF KINGS. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 0152051082 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
68. Owen, James. A. 2006. HERE THERE BE DRAGONS. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 1416912274 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
69. Paterson, Katherine. 2006. BREAD AND ROSES, TOO. New York: Clarion. ISBN 9780618654796 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-8]
70. Pennypacker, Sara. 2006. CLEMENTINE. Ill. by Marla Frazee. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 0786838825 [Suggested Grade Levels 2-4]
71. Pericoli, Matteo. 2006. THE TRUE STORY OF STELLINA. New York: Knopf. ISBN 0375832734 [Suggested Grade Levels 2-4]
72. Pffefer, Susan Beth. 2006. LIFE AS WE KNEW IT. San Diego: Harcourt. ISBN 0152058265 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
73. Pinkney, Jerry. 2006. THE LITTLE RED HEN. New York: Penguin. ISBN 0803729359 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK-3]
74. Portman, Frank. 2006. King Dork: New York: Random House. ISBN 0385732910 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
75. Reinhardt, Dana. 2006. A BRIEF CHAPTER IN MY IMPOSSIBLE LIFE. New York: Random House. ISBN 0385746989 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
76. Rubin, Susan Goldman with Ela Weisberger. 2006. THE CAT WITH THE YELLOW STAR: COMING OF AGE IN TEREZIN. New York: Holiday House ISBN 0823418316, 9780823418312 [Suggested Grade Levels 3 – 8]
77. Schaefer, Lola M. 2006. AN ISLAND GROWS. Ill. by Cathie Felstead. New York: Greenwillow. ISBN 0066239311, 9780066239316 [Suggested Grade Levels PreK – 2]
78. Schubert, Leda. 2006. BALLET OF THE ELEPHANTS. Ill. by Robert Andrew Parker. New Milford, CT: Roaring Brook. ISBN 1596430753 [Suggested Grade Levels K-3]
79. Shafer, Audrey. 2006. THE MAILBOX. New York: Delacorte. ISBN 0385733445 [Suggested Grade Levels 4-8]
80. Sidman, Joyce. 2006. BUTTERFLY EYES AND OTHER SECRETS OF THE MEADOW. Ill. by Beth Krommes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 061856313X [Suggested Grade Levels 2-6]
81. Siebert, Diane. 2006. TOUR AMERICA: A JOURNEY THROUGH POEMS AND ART. Ill. by Stephen T. Johnson. San Francisco: Chronicle. ISBN0811850560. [Suggested Grade Levels 3-7]
82. Skelton, Matthew. 2006. ENDYMION SPRING. New York: Random House. ISBN 0385733801 [Suggested Grade Levels 5-9]
83. Smith, Lane. 2006. JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE & BEN. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 1423101146 [Suggested Grade Levels K-5]
84. Sonnenblick, Jordan. 2006. NOTES FROM THE MIDNIGHT DRIVER. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439757797 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
85. Stanley, Diane. 2006. BELLA AT MIDNIGHT. Ill. by Bagram Ibatoulline. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0060775742, 9780060775742 [Suggested Grade Levels 4-8]
86. Stone, Tanya Lee. 2006. A BAD BOY CAN BE GOOD FOR A GIRL. New York: Random House. ISBN 0385747020 [Suggested Grade Levels 8-12]
87. Tchana, Katrin Hyman. 2006. CHANGING WOMAN AND HER SISTERS: STORIES OF GODDESSES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Ill. by Trina Schart Hyman. New York: Holiday House. ISBN 0823419991 [Suggested Grade Levels 4- 8]
88. Tingle, Tim. CROSSING BOK CHITTO. Ill. by Jeanne Rorex Bridges. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press. ISBN 9780938317777, 0938317776 [Suggested Grade Levels 3-6]
89. Vizzini, Ned. 2006. IT’S KIND OF A FUNNY STORY. New York: Hyperion. ISBN 0786851961 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
90. Vrettos, Adrienne. 2006. SKIN. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 1416906551 [Suggested Grade Levels 8-12]
91. Weatherford, Carole Boston. DEAR MR. ROSENWALD, Ill. by R. Gregory Christie. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439495229 [Suggested Grade Levels K-5]
92. Werlin, Nancy. 2006. RULES OF SURVIVAL. New York: Dial. ISBN 0803730012 [Suggested Grade Levels 9-12]
93. Wiesner, David. 2006. FLOTSAM. New York: Clarion. ISBN 0618194576 [Suggested Grade Level PreK-3]
94. Winter, Jonah. 2006. DIZZY. Ill. by Sean Quails. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439507375 [Suggested Grade Levels 1- 6]
95. Wolf, Allan. 2006. IMMERSED IN VERSE: AN INFORMATIVE, SLIGHTLY IRREVERENT & TOTALLY TREMENDOUS GUIDE TO LIVING THE POET’S LIFE. Ill. by Tuesday Mourning. New York: Lark Books. ISBN 9781579906283 [Suggested Grade Levels 8-12]
96. Wright, Betty Ren. 2006. PRINCESS FOR A WEEK. Ill. by Jacqueline Rogers. New York: Holiday House. ISBN 0823419452 [Suggested Grade Levels 2-4]
97. Wulf, Linda Press. 2006. THE NIGHT OF THE BURNING: DEVORAH’S STORY. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. ISBN 0374364192 [Suggested Grade Levels 6-10]
98. Yang, Gene Luen. 2006. AMERICAN BORN CHINESE. Ill. by Gene Luen Yang. New York: First Second. ISBN 1596431520 [Suggested Grades Levels 7-12]
99. Yep, Laurence. 2006. THE EARTH DRAGON AWAKES. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0060275243 [Suggested Grade Levels 3-5]
100. Zusak, Markus. 2006. THE BOOK THIEF. New York: Knopf. ISBN 0375831002 [Suggested Grade Levels 7-12]
LIBRARIANS’ CHOICES 2006 REVIEWERS: S. Zulema Silva Bewley; Julie Brinker; Rose Brock; Mary D. Buckalo; Cay Geisler; Janet Hilbun; Tammy Korns; Becky Laney; Rebecca McKee; Suzy Parchman; Sylvia M. Vardell