Christmas in Greece (2001)
Greece is completely different from the other countries we've looked at so far (Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil, etc.). But different is part of what makes this one so fascinating. One of the things that is so strikingly different is the observance of the Christmas Lent. "Christmas Lent is a solemn 40 day period of fasting and reflection. It begins November 15 and continues until Christmas Eve. During this time, devout Greeks focus on preparing themselves spiritually for the arrival of the Christ Child. For the Greek Orthodox, this is not a time for parties or merrymaking. Instead, it is a time for fasting, confession, and deep reflection. People attend church services, make confessions, and take Communion as they prepare. The Christmas Lent fast is strictly observed. It requires abstinence from all meat, milk products, and other rich foods" (11). There is no public or private celebration before Christmas Day. With Christmas comes a feast. One of the most important parts of this feast is the baking and breaking of the Christmas bread, the Christopsomo. This isn't the only special bread of the season. New Year's Eve/New Year's Day sees the baking of Vasilopita, St. Basil bread. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Beginning Christmas Eve, children--traditionally boys--would carol--sing songs--going from house to house. They would be rewarded with treats--coins, or small treats of food--nuts, fruits, etc. This is called kalanda. They make three appearances during this time: Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, and the Eve of Epiphany. One other thing you should know about celebrating Christmas the Greek Orthodox way is that the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany are exciting ones--they are called the Dodecameron. It is during these twelve days that shopping, partying, and other 'festive' activities such as decorating occur. While it isn't unheard of for Greeks to have the traditional Christmas tree. Their own ancient traditions have them decorating boats. Why? Because St. Basil, the gift-bearer for children, comes by boat for one. St. Basil delivers presents during the night of the New Year's Eve. (There are no presents exchanged on Christmas day.) But even if families have a tree in their homes to decorate, it never appears before Christmas. And sometimes it doesn't appear until New Years Eve. Epiphany is another sacred celebration--this time of John's baptism of Jesus. So while Greeks may begin the season relatively late--when it comes to celebrating and feasting--their celebration and feast days continue into January--January 6th in some places, January 8th in others. Like the others in the series, this one includes crafts, recipes, and songs.
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