Here are the roundup posts for June, July, and August.
So here's my meme for the challenge participants:
Would you be interested in having a second IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT) reading challenge next summer?
Did you feel there was enough time allotted to read three books? Or would you rather expand the challenge to cover a longer period?
What was your favorite book read for the challenge?
Did you have a least favorite book?
What is one author/one book you'd recommend that others pick up?
Did your own wishlist/tbr pile grow while reading others' reviews for this challenge?
And now my own answers to this meme of sorts...
Would you be interested in having a second IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT) reading challenge next summer? Personally, I'd LOVE to host this one again if there is still interest. This is one of my favorite genres or sub-genres, so the interest is always high for me to read these books.
Did you feel there was enough time allotted to read three books? Or would you rather expand the challenge to cover a longer period? May 15th through September 15th worked well for me. But I'm open to suggestions if people want to make it a six month challenge instead.
What was your favorite book read for the challenge? I enjoyed most of them. If I had to pick just a few to highlight, it would be The Dead and The Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer and The Sky Inside by Clare B. Dunkle.
Did you have a least favorite book? Not to be mean, but there's bound to be a least favorite on any list read for a challenge, right??? Anyway, The Inferior by Peadar O Guilin would be my least favorite. I think books without main characters you actually like can lead to a few problems.
What is one author/one book you'd recommend that others pick up? Susan Beth Pfeffer is my favorite and best. I love, love, love her. I do. And her two books: Life As We Knew It and The Dead and the Gone are two must-read books in my opinion. Not from my challenge list this time, but Lois Lowry's The Giver and Jeanne DuPrau's City of Ember would be two other recommendations.
Did your own wishlist/tbr pile grow while reading others' reviews for this challenge? Yes. Doesn't it always? Next year, I'd like to *read* The Stand. I had every intention in the world of doing it this year for this challenge, but my mom had not one but two surgeries, and I just couldn't keep up with such a heavy (in more ways than one) book this past summer. But maybe next year :)
I tag all the participants--I think most of whom are listed here:
Chris from Stuff As Dreams Are Made On...his list
Debi from Nothing of Importance (my everyday blog) ...her list
Becky from Becky's Book Reviews... my list
Susan of Just Books
Trish of Trish's Reading Nook...
Dewey of The Hidden Side of A Leaf...
Stephanie of Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic, her list
Laura of Reading Reflections...her list.
Kylee from Kylee's Book Blog...her list.
Rhinoa from Rhinoa's Ramblings...the list.
Aella Siofra, list
Naida from The Bookworm...
Annie from Words by Annie...her list.
Ish reads...her list
Callista of SMS Book Reviews...her list.
Amy from The Sleepy Reader...her list.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Hi Becky- I completed this challenge too but it's not your fault if you missed it. I accidentally lost my blog during an upgrade but I am back up and running...same URL.
Here's my completed challenge post:
I just wrote my final review for the challenge. http://laurasreadingreflections.blogspot.com/2008/09/road-by-cormac-mccarthy.html
Thank you for hosting! I'll try to answer your questions soon!
I didn't participate in this challenge this year - but do hope you will do it next year as I have a list of book all ready :)
Had a lot happening the last few months - and am starting to get back into the challenge frame of mind again
Oh, I've been a bad book blogger. I did meet the deadline, but I've been out of town so much I haven't posted my wrap-up thoughts yet. Anyway, here is the link to my last book: The Road - Cormac McCarthy I think you suggested this one--so thanks!!
And to answer some of your questions:
Yes, perfect amount of time, perfect amount of books. I get bored with longer challenges and too many books on the list.
My favorite was The Road, but this is a genre I've always loved and will continue to read. My least favorite was Brave New World but I still liked it.
I'd recommend people pick up Atwood, although I didn't read her for this particular challenge.
To be honest, the review lists were a little more difficult to follow than the typical Mister Linky so I didn't do a very good job of checking back for posts. Bad Trish!!
Thanks for hosting Becky!!
I added my meme here sorry it's a little late despite the wrap up pos being on time, I have been away so much lately.
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