Cashore, Kristin. 2008. Graceling. Harcourt. 471 pages.
In these dungeons the darkness was complete, but Katsa had a map in her mind.
I loved this book. I did. It's YA Fantasy at its best. A story of seven not-so-perfect kingdoms: Nander, Wester, Estill, Sunder, Monsea, Middluns, and Lienid. The story of the Graced--and those royalty who seek to control and manipulate them. A story of a girl, Katsa, and the boy that loves her, Po. A story with secrets and betrayals. A story with plenty of punches. A bit violent? Maybe. But that's because our heroine, is "graced" with the power of killing. Or is she?! Who are the graced? Well, the graced are those born with two different eye colors. For example, Po has one silver eye, one gold eye. I can't quite remember what two colors Katsa has...(don't hate me!) but I know that those that are graced are often ostracized by others. It's hard for others to look them in the eye, to treat them as "normal." The graced are those with special abilities, enhanced traits. The power might be a gift with livestock or the power to read minds. True, a large part of the people's fear... for both Po and Katsa... is that both are graced in fighting, in combat. Po is the Prince--seventh prince--of Lienid. Katsa is the niece of the king of Middlun, Randa.
When we first meet Katsa she is on a mission. A mission to save an old man, a Lienid, a man in the royal family of that kingdom who has been kidnapped and held prisoner; he is the grandfather of Prince Po, though when she seeks out to rescue him, she doesn't know of Po. It is on her way out--mission successful--that she stumbles into Po. Though she knows that it would be safer if she killed him--he's a witness to her "crime" after all. Yet something about him makes her hesitate. She gets a feeling that they're on the same side. That he is not her enemy--witness though he may be. So she merely bonks him on the head and lets him be.
Doesn't sound quite like love at first sight, does it? Yet as these two born-fighters struggle with each other, train with each other, struggle with their feelings, a great love is born...but is it a love that can last?
I won't go into all the details. I don't want to spoil the plot. But life seems to have thrown these two together for a reason...and it will take everything they have for the good guys to win...this is one exciting read!
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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I loved this one as well. And I'm not usually a big fantasy person. But this one was so unique and well done, I couldn't put it down!
Wow! I've been wanting to pick this up for weeks now. Good review. Makes me want to read it now!!
This one is a tough book to review; there's so much going on, and you don't want to give anything away! You did brilliantly, though.
I read another review of this book, and the author of that review loved it just as much as you did. It sounds very interesting, and like something I would like a lot. As a bonus, I could share it with my daughter. She loves fantasy fiction in this vein. Thanks for the great spoiler-free review!
Oh man, this sounds so good! Annie's been wanting this one...think I might have to buy it for her so I can borrow it. :)
I ran across this book two weeks ago, and I loved it as well. :) Definitely a good read.
Becky, Becky, Becky.. you are NOT supposed to make me add to my wish list!... however, once again (yes I said again, in that as soon as I get my "book mail" you will be getting a "bad blogger" point!) And now I have to go add this book.. btw, I've noticed this cover before and fought to add it to the wish list just because i liked the cover!
I saw this around a lot when I was in the States and am trying to remember if I got a copy or not. If I didn't I will be annoyed as it sounds great. Glad you liked it, must sort myself out a copy.
I really want to read this! Just waiting for it to come in for me at the library!
I really liked this book. It was well-written and interesting, and the characters experienced real growth but remained consistent throughout. On the whole, so polished that it's hard to believe that this was a first novel.
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