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Challenge Dates: March 20, 2009 through June 20th
Becky's List (in no particular order):
The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum
"It is the counting that saves him."
Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary by Brandon Mull
"Kendra Sorenson briskly scraped the head of a wooden match against the rough strip on the side of a rectangular matchbox."
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
"Are you still mad?"
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
"The cold snap of the previous week was over; the sun was shining brightly as Clary hurried across Luke's dusty front yard, the hood of her jacket up to keep her hair from blowing across her face."
When the Whistle Blows by Fran Cannon Slayton
"Every time I go to jump on a steam train as it chugs its way through Rowlesburg-- Every time I throw out my hands to grab the rusty metal rungs and haul myself up onto the side of one of them black coal cars, hoisting my knees up over its churning, screeching wheels--
Every single time I jump on a train--my heart thumps even noiser in my ears than the clanking of the old iron horse I'm hopping up onto."
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
"The emails always began the same way."
Waiting for You by Susane Colasanti
"The best thing about summer camp is the last day."
The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson
"I was seven the first time I was sent away."
Also Known As Harper by Ann Haywood Leal
"Winnie Rae Early followed ten steps behind me the entire way home from school."
Libyrinth by Pearl North
"The wind howled and the flames roared, but the books, as they died, merely fell silent."
Postsingular by Rudy Rucker
"Two boys walked down the beach, deep in conversation."
Witch Ember by John Lawson
"Once, Trickster Man snuck into the Circle of Wejwej and stole one of his Stones of Power."
The Keep by F. Paul Wilson
"A year and a half ago there had been another name on the door, a Polish name, and no doubt a title and the name of a department or bureau in the Polish department."
Exodus by Julie Bertagna
"Earth spins."
Zenith by Julie Bertagna
"Out on the world's ocean, night is a black warhorse."
Dandelion Fire by N.D. Wilson
"Kansas is not easily impressed."
Foundling by D.M. Cornish
"Rossamund was a boy with a girl's name."
Cybele's Secret by Juliet Marillier
"The deck tilted to port, and I tilted with it, grabbing at a rope to keep my balance."
Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan
"There are plenty would call her a slut for it."
Nation by Terry Pratchett
"The snow came down so thickly, it formed fragile snowballs in the air that tumbled and melted as soon as they landed on the horses lined up along the dark."
Eon Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman
"I let the tips of both my swords dig into the sandy arena floor."
The Black Book of Secrets by F.E. Higgins
"When I opened my eyes I knew that nothing in my miserable life prior to that moment could possibly be as bad as what was about to happen."
Streams of Babel by Carol Plum-Ucci
"I sat very still, waiting for the police and ambulance to arrive."
Time's Chariot by Ben Jeapes
"They had drugged him and now his body twisted lazily as it tumbled through the air."
Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
"How many times I have wondered what my fate might have been had I accompanied my parents that rainy spring morning."
Barnaby Grimes: Curse of the Night Wolf by Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell
"Have you ever felt your skin being peeled slowly away from your arms and legs?"
Ivy by Julie Hearn
"When she was born her father took one look at her and spat into a corner."
The Ruby Key by Holly Lisle
"The sun slid down toward the tops of the trees."
The Tripods: The White Mountains by John Christopher
"Apart from the one in the church tower, there were five clocks in the village that kept reasonable time, and my father owned one of them."
The Tripods: The Pool of Fire by John Christopher
"Everywhere there was the sound of water."
The Tripods: The City of Gold and Lead by John Christopher
"Even when we first came to the White Mountains, in summer, the upper reaches of the Tunnel looked out over fields of snow and ice; but at the lower end there were rocks and grass and a view of the glacier, stained brown with mud and dripping into rivulets that ran down to the valley, far far below."
The Tripods: When the Tripods Came by John Christopher
"An explosion of noise woke me."
A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce
"When my father died, I thought the world would come to an end."
A Crack in the Line by Michael Lawrence
"At sixteen, Alaric and Naia were as alike as any two people of the opposite sex can be."
Small Eternities by Michael Lawrence
"Aldous was just six years old when he first began to wonder where they would bury him, and when."
The Underwood See by Michael Lawrence
"Sometimes there were whispers in the night, and no one there when she opened her eyes or looked around corners."
Mars by Ben Bova
"Listen to the wisdom of the Old Ones: The red world and the blue are brothers."
Emil and Karl by Yankev Glatshteyn
"Karl sat on a low stool, petrified."
The Warden by Anthony Trollope
"The Rev. Septimus Harding was, a few years since, a beneficed clergyman residing in the cathedral town of -----; let us call it Barchester.
Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope
"In the latter days of July in the year 185-, a most important question was for ten days hourly asked in the cathedral city of Barchester, and answered every hour in various ways. Who was to be the new Bishop?"
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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i'm doing this challenge too! it should be really fun and you have a great list too.
I have absolutely no business joining this one again, seeing how I didn't get a single book from my list read last year. But of course, I'm joining again anyway. :)
You'll be busy! I'm heartened by the legnth of YOUR list! I was thinking mine was overly long but this makes me feel better. =D
Plus you always pick interesting books!
You have some books that I've been wanting to read on this list so I'll be watching for your reviews. Good luck!
You have a great list! I also have Tender Morsels down for this challenge. Happy reading!
I wonder how many pages that is, all added up. None of the titles are familiar to me but the Trollope. Good luck; I'll look forward to your reviews of these.
Wow! That's quite an impressive list!
Ooo, giving those little teasers really made me curious about several of your books! Hope you enjoy reading them all. Thanks so much for being part of Spring Reading Thing 2009!
I look forward to reading your reviews in my reader. Awesome blog Becky!
You have a very ambitious list here. But it looks like fun. Happy reading.
Wonderful looking list for your Spring reading. I enjoyed Ivy. I will be checking out the one by Sarah Dessen.
Nice long list :-) Have fun reading this spring!
Wow, what a list! I love the teasers. Have fun reading.
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