I am hosting Poetry Friday Roundup this week. Leave your link in the comments, I'll be updating this post throughout the day and evening.
My contribution for the day is A Merry Literary Christmas by Alice Low.
Susan of Wizards Wireless is in with an original poem, A Good Mom.
Suzanne is in with Twas the Night before Ron Paul by Dann McCreary at Adventures In Daily Living
John Mutford of The Book Mine Set is highlighting the poet Zachariah Wells.
Stacey from the Two Writing Teachers brings us "Days" by Billy Collins.
Laura Salas is in with some 15 word poems inspired by a photograph of Sue the dinosaur.
Sara Lewis Holmes from Read Write Believe gives us an original poem "Don't."
Jama from Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup is in with a poem remembering Pearl Harbor.
Shelf Elf brings us a snippet from Roald Dahl's Revolting Rymes--"Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf."
Kelly Fineman of Writing and Ruminating offers us "The Feast of Lights" by Emma Lazarus.
Tricia from The Miss Rumphius Effect shares "To Sleep" by John Keats.
Cloudscome of A Wrung Sponge shares a beautiful poem by Emily Dickinson.
Karen E.'s post offers thoughts on books and gifts inspired by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
MsMac shares some poems written by children during Poetry Lunch Thursday.
Susan Writes offers an Ernest Hemingway poem "Chapter Heading"
Liz in Ink gives us a Rita Dove poem, "This Life."
Charlotte shares some Victorian riddle games in her post "A poetry parlour game".
Susan of Chicken Spaghetti is sharing "Stopping By the Woods On A Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost.
Gregory K of Gottabook is in with an Oddaptation of "The Cat in the Hat."
Sheila of Greenridge Chronicles is in with "What's This" from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Little Willow shares "Pirate Story" by Robert Louis Stevenson
HipWriterMama shares 'a tiny look through a high school journal'
TadMack of Finding Wonderland offers "The Mind is A Hawk" by Walter McDonald.
Ruth brings, "The Lobster Quadrille" by Lewis Carroll
Erin shares, "Christmas Time Is Here" from one of my favorite Christmas specials.
Kimberley posts about Poetry Theatre.
Becky at Farm School is in with Winter Words of Wisdom from Pooh bear.
Marcie at World of Words is in with a review of A Child's Introduction to Poetry by Michael Driscoll, and a limerick by Edward Lear.
The Cole Mine offers "The Birthday Child."
Sarah from The Reading Zone is in with "Snow Day" by Billy Collins.
LiteracyTeacher from Mentor Texts is sharing a Hanukkah Haiku by Erica Silverman
Linda Acorn shares "I'm A Nut."
Hi Becky,
Here's the link to my post. It's my first ever Poetry Friday!
Here is the link to my seasonal/political contribution.
Thanks for hosting!
This week I had a great opportunity to interview Canadian poet Zachariah Wells (Unsettled). As well he shared five of his unpublished poems with us!
You can read it all here.
I'm in with one by Billy Collins (again). :)
You can read it here: http://twowritingteachers.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/poetry-friday-breathing-in-life/.
Thank you for hosting.
I'm in with 15 Words or Less poems inspired by a photo of Sue, the t. rex. Drop by, read, and add your own poem!
And thank you for hosting!
Hi Becky. Thanks for hosting! Here's a link to my original poem, Don't.
Becky, today I'm remembering Pearl Harbor:
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting Becky! This week it's a little Roald Dahl. Here is my link: http://shelfelf.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/poetry-friday-revolting-rhymes-read-by-roald/
I'm in with A Feast of Lights by Emma Lazarus: http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com/260220.html
(Please link to the livejournal post, which is my main blog, even though the entry will be duped on Blogger. Thanks!)
Good Morning, Becky!
I'm in with some Keats.
Thanks for rounding us up!
I am in with some Emily Dickinson today. Thanks for hosting!
Oops -- left my comment on the wrong post. :-/ Here's my link, and thanks for hosting!
I'm in with a poem by Ernest Hemingway http://susanwrites.livejournal.com/112805.html
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting!
I'm in with Rita Dove...
Hi Becky,
I'm in with some Victorian riddle poems: http://charlotteslibrary.blogspot.com/2007/12/poetry-parlour-game.html
Good morning, Becky. I'm in with a post about the picture book version of Frost's "Stopping by the Woods..."
Thanks so much for rounding up. I look forward to reading some more poetry today.
Susan T.
Chicken Spaghetti
I'm up with an original Oddaptation right here
Hi Becky!
Thanks for hosting. I am in with a clip from a Danny Elfman song, which seems to play in my head this time of year.
My blog: http://greenridgechronicles.blogspot.com/
cheers / sheila
Here I am!
Hi Becky,
Thanks for hosting. I'm in with a poem I found in my high school journal.
Thanks for hosting.
My post is some words, for writers.
Oops, sorry, that didn't work. Trying again...
Here's my post, the Lobster Quadrille, by Lewis Carroll.
Here it is.
My contribution is a song from Charlie Brown's Christmas: http://misserinmarie.blogspot.com/2007/12/christmas-time-is-here.html
Here's mine:
Thanks for hosting and rounding up!
I'm in with a little A.A. Milne and Winnie the Pooh for a snowy day,
I'm in with a limerick and a review of a poetry anthology.
World of Words
Thanks for hosting! I'm in with a short little birthday poem since today is mine...Enjoy!
Here's my post! In with some Billy Collins.
Thanks for hosting! Here's a link to my Hanukkah Haiku:
I'm running late, as ever! I have a silly kid's song here.
Thank you for hosting!!
Count me in with "Solstice" by Anna Grossnickle Hines: http://sarahmillerbooks.blogspot.com/2007/12/poetry-friday.html
Do I get the Dink-of-the-Day Award for linking to a 2-week-old roundup? ;)
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