Masterpiece Theatre can be tricky. So you'll need to double check with your local listings of course for air times and dates, but I did find the schedule for The Complete Jane Austen airing in the Spring of 2008.
Persuasion (January 13, 2008)
Northanger Abbey (January 20, 2008)
Mansfield Park (January 27, 2008)
Miss Austen Regrets (February 3, 2008)
Pride and Prejudice (February 10, 2008 through February 24) (Will be shown in three parts)
Emma (March 23, 2008)
Sense and Sensibility (March 30, 2008 and April 6, 2008)
Here are the participants for the Jane Austen Mini-Challenge.
(The original post announcing it is here. The goal of this challenge is to read and/or watch at least two Jane Austen novels/movies in 2008. Masterpiece Theatre is showing all 6 movies in the 2008 season. I am going to be aiming for all 6. But if you want to just watch two movies and blog about them, that is fine too. It would still be participating. For those that may not get PBS, rent (or buy) two Austen movies--any version--and you'll still qualify as a participant. Want to read an Austen biography as a substitute for one of the novels, go for it. Or watch Becoming Jane as a substitute for one of the movies. I'll allow it. Just read two Austen-related books. OR watch two Austen-related movies. You can always read more or watch more. What about audio books? Sure. Listening would count as well. Whatever you want. It's supposed to be fun.
It is not too late to join in on this one. It officially starts in January. But I won't be rigid with the sign up date or anything :) When you sign up either at this post or on the original, I'll add you to the list.
And in case anyone lives in Canada...here is what I found out...
The North American premieres of ITV’s Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, and Persuasion can be seen on TVOntario (TVO) in December 2007, a month before PBS’ Complete Jane Austen begins:And it appears that Jane Austen will get air time in Australia too in 2008.16 December ….. Northanger Abbey
23 December ….. Mansfield Park
30 December ….. PersuasionAll three films will air Sunday nights starting at 9:00 p.m.
Chris from Stuff As Dreams Are Made On...
Ex Libris
Michelle (3M) from 1MoreChapter
Debi from Nothing Of Importance (has dropped out last I heard)
Stephanie from Stephanie's Confession of a Bookaholic
Pattie from FreshBrewedWriter
Melissa from Book Nut
Debbi from My Reading Spot (? She didn't specify if she was joining the Austen and the Tolkien or just the Tolkien ?)
Ladytink_534 from The Movieholic & Bibliophile's Blog (She was one that was on the fence, but considering it...)
Kate (didn't specify if it was Austen and Tolkien both or just one of the two...unless I hear otherwise...I'm assuming she's in for the Austen)
Gautami Tripathy from My Own Reading Room
Angliophile Football Fanatic
Susan from Susan Loves To Read
Alisonwonderland from So Many Books, So Little Time
Curiouser and Curiouser
Webster Twelb
Chris from Book-a-rama
Historia from BiblioHistoria
Journey From An Inquiring Mind
Kirsten from Nose in A Book
nsr (?)
Sarah R.
Marina from Book a Tea
Full time in NM
Joy of Thoughts for Joy
April of Cafe of Dreams
Jenny up the hill
Susan from You Can Never Have Too Many Books
Dewey from Hidden Side of A Leaf
Nessie from The Biblio Files
raidergirl3 from An Adventure in Reading.
Amy from In Consideration of Books.
Of course the two I signed up to read are being show in the first two weeks! So if I want to avoid spoilers I have to read the books first :p Sheesh...Starting off the year in a demanding way!
Love your new pic by the way :)
Chris, it came to a surprise to me as well. I was hoping for a bit more time before Persuasion came. I know I'll watch all the movies...I can only *try* to get to the books.
The good news is that for those wanting to get started early, Austen and Christmas go together great. I don't know why. It just makes sense to my little brain. I think maybe it's because I first read Pride and Prejudice at Christmas time. I watched the movie all day Christmas Eve. Now the two are linked.
And I mentioned this a bit earlier but DailyLit is a site where you can have Austen's novels delivered bit by bit into your email inbox or rss reader. If anyone needs daily prompts to keep reading.
Count me in for the Austen Challenge. I plan on reading two of her works but I'm more excited about watching the movies on PBS.
I'm not sure yet which books and/or movies I'll watch but count me in for the Austen challenge. I posted about it today.
Becky - Just for clarification, I am already planning to read one Austen book next year and then will be following it up by watching the movie (probably renting it). Does this count as two, or would I need to add another Austen book in (which I probably will do anyway, but hey, might as well ask just in case)?
Literary Feline, that would be fine. The book and movie can be the same title.
Hi Becky
I have finally posted my list
Thanks for the times and dates, thank goodness for TiVo!
Thanks, Becky! I'll try to read at least two Austen books (and watch their movies), but for now I think I'll keep my commitment to the one along with its movie. I probably will watch another Austen movie just because anyway. :-)
Count me in! I already have Persuasion in another challenge to read.....and I watched it last week when I saw it on TVO (I'm in Ottawa, Canada)....I own another version with Amanda Root,and both versions (colin firth and Kiera Knightley) of Pride and Prejudice....I can't help feeling that this isn't a challenge for me since I read/watch two books or movies a year anyway, but then I thought, I might as well as get the credit!! So thanks, and I will let you know what I end up counting or as soon as I have finished the challenge. I can recommend a really good biography of Jane Austen, by Claire Tomlinson, which some consider the best one written of her.
Thanks for the reminder. It's slow going by I'm getting through Mansfield Park. : )
I guess I've joined this, since I watched Northanger Abbey last night and loved it! I haven't loved the books as much, except NA, but I'll watch a few other movies and see if that changes my mind any.
Wasn't Henry Tilman simply the best? swoon.
Hi Becky,
I'm new to book blogging but would love to take part in your Jane Austen mini challenge! Thanks!
Amy (in Belgium)
Hi Becky,
I'm joining this challenge as well.
Pride and Prejudice
Northanger Abbey
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