Friday, June 17, 2011

SiS Readathon Update #1 and Mini-Challenge

So this is my first update post for Enna Isilee's Spring Into Summer Readathon. I read Psalms 1-25 in the New American Standard Bible. (This is the *last* book I have to complete before finishing the Bible in that translation. So I am so excited to be this close to the end.) So the first twelve pages of this challenge were in the Bible. The first book I completed was Saint Training by Elizabeth Fixmer. I'd already read 68 pages of this one--but 170 pages of it were completed today!

It is now: 11AM
Total Books Read: 1
Books Read From: 2
Total Pages Read: 182
Books Read Since Last Update: this is the first update!
Pages Read Since Last Update: this is the first update!
Total Time read: 75 minutes

The FIRST mini-challenge for this readathon is to share our favorite and least favorite move adaptations of a book.

Favorite book-movie adaptation: This one is SO hard. I just love the most recent adaptation to Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I loved JJ Feild as Henry Tilney. It was one giddy-making film that captured the fun playfulness of the original novel quite well. While, I wouldn't say that it is my favorite, favorite, favorite movie ever, I would say that they did a great job with the adaptation.

Worst book-movie adaptation: This one isn't as hard. My choice is The Lightning Thief. The movie was almost a mess from start to finish. At least if you had read the book and actually enjoyed the story and characters. They did so many things that were just wrong!!!

© 2011 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


melissa @ 1lbr said...

Wow, you read fast! I'm totally impressed. I completely agree with The Lightning Thief too. It totally missed capturing the awesome that the book was.

Asheley T. said...

I really loved the Percy Jackson books so much and was SO EXCITED to see the movie. When I saw husband and kids liked it (because they hadn't read the books) but I couldn't help but be terribly disappointed at all of the differences. Entertaining movie, but not a great adaptation. I totally agree!

Enna Isilee said...

I'm surprised you didn't like THE LIGHTNING THIEF. From what most people have said, they thought it was a great movie!

I myself am not a fan of middle grade, so I'm not one to judge at all. ;)