For months I had wished and wished the baby would be a girl, a little sister. Maybe I shouldn't have wished so hard. A boy might have lived.
All this happened, more or less.
I spend a lot of time thinking about f-words.
November's Top Five:
Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas.
Here Comes The Big, Mean Dust Bunny! by Jan Thomas.
Positively. Courtney Sheinmel.
Yummy: Eight Favorite Fairy Tales. Lucy Cousins.
Nation. Terry Pratchett.
Number of Picture Books: 8
My Elephant. Petr Horacek. 2009. Candlewick Press.
The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear. David Bruins and Hilary Leung. 2009. Kids Can Press.
Under the Star: A Christmas Counting Story. Jane Yolen. Illustrated by Vlasta van Kampen. Key Porter Kids.
The Seeing Stick. Jane Yolen. Illustrated by Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini. Running Press.
Pumpkin Baby by Jane Yolen. Illustrated by Susan Mitchell. Key Porter Kids.
Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas. 2009. Simon & Schuster.
Here Comes The Big, Mean Dust Bunny! by Jan Thomas. 2009. Simon & Schuster.
The Scarecrow's Dance. Jane Yolen. 2009. Simon & Schuster.
Number of Board Books: 0
Number of Children's Books: 10
The Big Fat Cow That Goes Kapow. Andy Griffiths. Illustrated by Terry Denton. 2009. Feiwel and Friends. 124 pages. (Early Reader)
Dessert First by Hallie Durand. 2009. Simon & Schuster. 154 pages.
Ruby Flips for Attention. (Ruby and the Booker Boys). 2009. Derrick Barnes. Scholastic. 130 pages.
Road to Tater Hill. Edith M. Hemingway. 2009. Random House. 214 pages.
No Girls Allowed (Dogs Okay) by Trudi Trueit. 2009. Simon & Schuster. 118 pages.
The Funeral Director's Son by Coleen Murtagh Paratore. 2009. Simon & Schuster. 135 pages.
Dog Whisperer: The Rescue by Nicholas Edwards. 2009. SquareFish. 216 pages.
The Cat On The Mat Is Flat by Andy Griffiths. 2007. Feiwel and Friends. 167 pages.
Black Angels. Linda Beatrice Brown. 2009. Penguin. 260 pages.
Bystander. James Preller. 2009. Feiwel and Friends. 226 pages.
Number of YA Books: 8
Devil's Paintbox. Victoria McKernan. 2009. Random House. 360 pages.
The Indigo King (The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica). James A. Owen. Simon & Schuster. 2008. 375 pages.
Positively. Courtney Sheinmel. 2009. Simon & Schuster. 216 pages.
Al Capone Shines My Shoes. Gennifer Choldenko. 2009. Penguin. 274 pages.
The Shadow Dragons. James A. Owen. 2009. 417 pages.
Wanting Mor. Rukhsana Kahn. 2009. Groundwood Books. 190 pages.
Jacquelyn by Jeffie Ross Gordon. 1985. Scholastic. (Sunfire Romance.) 332 pages.
Nation. Terry Pratchett. 2008. HarperCollins. 370 pages.
Number of Adult Books: 6
Willoughby's Return. Jane Odiwe. 2009. Sourcebooks. 352 pages.
Mary Barton. Elizabeth Gaskell. 487 pages.
Casebook for Victor Frankenstein. Peter Ackroyd. 2008. 353 pages.
Slaughterhouse-Five. Kurt Vonnegut. 1969. 205 pages.
Colonel Brandon's Diary. Amanda Grange. 2008. 295 pages.
Arabella. Georgette Heyer. 1949/2009. 312 pages.
Number of Christian books: 4
The Swiss Courier. Tricia Goyer and Mike Yorkey. 2009. Revell. 324 pages.
Touched by a Vampire: Discovering the Hidden Messages in the Twilight Saga by Beth Felker Jones. 2009. Multnomah. 180 pages.
Thirsty. Tracey Bateman. 2009. Waterbrook Press. 376 pages.
A Constant Heart by Siri Mitchell. 2008. Bethany House. 384 books.
Number of Verse Novels: 1
Brushing Mom's Hair by Andrea Cheng. Wordsong. 60 pages
Number of Nonfiction: 0
Number of Short Story Collections, Anthologies, Poetry Books: 1
Yummy: Eight Favorite Fairy Tales. Lucy Cousins. 2009. Candlewick Press. 128 pages.

Movies Watched/Reviewed:
The Woman in White (1948)
You For Me (1952)
Where the Boys Are (1960)
Sunday in New York (1963)
One Man's Journey (1933)
You Can't Run From It (1956)
Return to Me (2000)
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews