Last year, D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) Day caught me unawares. I found out about it only a few days in advance. This year, I want to do something BIG to celebrate. I'll be hosting the D.E.A.R reading challenge with four levels of participation! Here is the official site.
Level One: Commit to reading 30 minutes on D.E.A.R. day, April 12, 2008. It's a Saturday in case you're wondering.
What is National D.E.A.R. Day?
D.E.A.R. stands for Drop Everything and Read. National D.E.A.R. Day is a special reading celebration to remind and encourage families to make reading together on a daily basis a family priority.
Who Is Leading the National D.E.A.R. Day Celebration? The National Education Association (NEA); Parent Teacher Association (PTA); the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association; Reading Rockets; The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC); the Newspaper Association of America Foundation (NAA); First Book; HarperCollins Children’s Books; and Ramona Quimby.
Level Two: Commit to reading 30 minutes per day for three days. April 11, 2008 - April 13, 2008.
Level Three: Commit to reading 30 minutes per day for an entire week. April 6, 2008 - April 12, 2008.
Level Four: Commit to reading 30 minutes per day for an entire month. March 12, 2008 - April 12, 2008.
A blog is not required to participate by any means! The goal is to learn how to make reading a part of your daily routine. A way to encourage you to incorporate reading into your life. To make it a priority.
If you want to join up, leave a comment. You can blog about your experience, your progress, the books you read. But you don't have to in order to play along. I would encourage you, however, to at the very least leave a sentence or two in the comments at the close of this challenge the weekend of April 12/13th. Again, not a requirement, but it would be nice.
This challenge is for kids and adults. If you're a parent, I would encourage you to make this a family event. Commit to reading books with your kids. (But if you're not a parent, this is for you too!)
If you are going to use this as an opportunity to read with your kids, you might want to check out these official tips. There are tips on how to read with your child aged preschool to third grade.
Unsure of what to read? Here are some 'official' recommendations. And here are a list of books by Beverly Cleary. But you may read whatever you like. If you're an adult (with or without kids) feel free to read adult books. I don't want anyone to feel excluded. But as for this adult--me--I'll be reading kids books with a big smile on my face. :)
Unlike most challenges, this isn't asking for a certain number of books. This one is only focusing on the commitment to read a certain amount of time per day.
This looks like an easy read to me. I will do level 4.
i can going to do level four. hugs victoria
very cool, my kids have this on their school calendars.
I dont know if youve been tagged with this meme, but 'm tagging you :)
I'm up for this. I'll do level 4. Thanks for hosting!
i can do this. i'll do level 4.
I will be joining in the fun. I plan to attempt level 4
I'm in. My family and I are going to do level 4.
I'd like to try level 4, please and thank you. Thanks, Becky for hosting this. Sounds like fun.
Also -- I suppose this means reading and not listening to books on tape -- right? I can do that!
I'll join in, too.
I'll try level 4. Since I read to my kids every night and then read myself to sleep, I'm already in the habit of at least 30 minutes a day.
My blog is not much to look at but the addy is http://hikaruthedragon.livejournal.com/
I'm in. I'll do level 4. Thanks for hosting it :)
I can do this. thanks for doing this. kim in ohio
This challenge will be easy for my family, but we will "formalize" it to make it more fun! Thanks!
I upped my rading by 30 min a day to 4 1/2 hrs. So I guess I have completed it. Today only a half hour so far, but i will get in at least an hour after my date tonight.
Well, I successfully finished Level 4. For me and my kids it was just business as usual but it was sosrt of fun to know tht others around the world were doing it too!
Well -- some days I read more than 30 minutes and one day I missed altogether. So don't know if I passed and can claim I suceeded. Some of the books I spend time with were:
Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
Cliffs Notes on Golding's Lord of the Flies - Maureen Kelly
Mountain City - Gregory Martin
Thoroughly enjoyed myself. And thanks for having me.
Jan (in Edmonds)
Just wanting to clarify where I stand w/ this challenge. I signed up for level 4 but missed a day. So may I claim I completed level 3? Thanks Becky.
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