Monday, February 25, 2008

Day Four of Their Eyes Were Watching God

Today is the fourth day of our discussion of Their Eyes Were Watching God. You can join in the fun here. There is still time to play catch up if you want to join.

Monday, February 18th. Chapters 1-4
Wednesday, February 20th. Chapters 5-6
Friday, February 22nd. Chapters 7-12
Monday, February 25th. Chapters 13-17
Wednesday, February 27th. Chapters 18-20


Mr. S @ BC said...

Becky, I am a middle school librarian and ran into your book list on Amazon. I appreciate your list and reviews. I'm a new blogger and your blog is the first good blog I've found that focuses on children's lit. Can you recommend any other blogs such as yours that focus on middle school book reviews?

Becky said...

There are many great resources out there.

You may already be familiar with it, but just in case, you might want to think about joining the yahoo group middle school lit. It's a friendly online community of middle school librarians mostly. (Also authors, teachers, and book reviewers).

As far as finding other blogs go, some of my favorite blogs are:

Miss Erin
Fuse #8
Little Willow
Jen Robinson's Book Page
A Patchwork of Books
Abby the Librarian

Another great resource you should consider (if you haven't already discovered it) is JacketFlap. It is a great resource for finding and subscribing to different blogs. It also sorts blogs into different categories.