Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Geography of Make Believe

The Bookworms Carnival is up and it is awesome! Renay did such a wonderful job with it. I would urge you all to go read it so you can add more books to your tbr pile. :)

The next carnival will be hosted by The Armenian Odar. The theme is Women in Literature. Entries are due by March 14th; more information is available on the carnival home page. Email entries to armenianodar AT yahoo DOT com.


Susan said...

Hey Becky! I just stopped by to let you know I left you an award on my blog: blogginboutbooks.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

You gonna hate me, but I tagged for a meme I started!

Please check here:
non-fiction all the way--a meme

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the promotion, Becky!

Just wanted to let you know that I will be hosting the next Carnival at http://armenianodar.wordpress.com instead of the link you gave. I have two blogs, the one at Blogger is more general (and kind of silent at the moment) and the other is my bookblog. That's where the Carnival will be next month.

Dewey said...

Oh, I think that's my fault, Myrthe. Even though in my posts I've been linking to your books blog, I think the carnival page links to your main blog. I will look into that.

Renay really did do an amazing job, didn't she?