I had really, really, really wanted to be able to present this year's Librarians' Choices list for the January carnival. But it's not looking like that is going to happen. I have had the privilege of participating in the Librarians Choices since 2004. (It was started in 2003.) And each year I've participated I've had the additional privilege of presenting those lists on the web. [Librarians' Choices 2004, Librarians' Choices 2005, Librarians' Choices 2006.] Some years I've even made Amazon Listmania lists. (I try to do everything in my power to promote the project.)

First of all the basics. The Who. The What. The Where. The Why. The How. The When.
Who: 2 professors of the Library Science department of Texas Woman's University along with an assortment of alumni and professional allies--ten to fourteen folks usually. Dr. Sylvia Vardell created and developed the project. This is her "baby." Dr. Janet Hilbun has joined Dr. Vardell for the past two years. In fact, Dr. Hilbun was the leader--the boss--this time. I believe--though I can't be certain--that they plan to take turns in the future.

Where: We meet on campus at Texas Woman's University. While there we get the pleasure of carting away books to read. (Or in my case read and review.) The books will then journey with us to the next meeting. It requires strong arms at times!!!
Why: Each of us loves books. Each of us loves reading. Each of us feels "called" to serve in some capacity the needs of children and young adults. (And by extension other librarians and teachers.) At the start, we noticed that there were "Choices" for other groups--kids, parents, teachers. But that there was no list for librarians.

When: March, June, July, September, October, November, December. Our BIG day was December 3rd. That is when our list was finalized.
I really love participating in Librarians Choices except for the rare moments when I hate it. Let me explain. The books. The reading. The joy of passionate discussion. The chance to be exuberant in public. The opportunity to experience the best-brownie-of-my-life. All things I love. Really love. These are things that keep me coming back for more despite the fact that I've graduated. Despite the fact that I don't "need" to be involved in order to get my hands on books.

Which books did I "win"? In alphabetical order, BOOK OF A THOUSAND DAYS by Shannon Hale, THE PRINCESS AND THE HOUND by Mette Ivie Harrison, CUPID by Julius Lester, MISS SPITFIRE by Sarah Miller, SONG OF THE SPARROW by Lisa Ann Sandell, UNWIND by Neal Shusterman, A CROOKED KIND OF PERFECT by Linda Urban, QUAD by C.G. Watson.
Did I "win" all my favorites? No. Of course not. I'm just thrilled that so many of my favorites also happened to be other people's favorites as well.
I fell in love with so many wonderful, wonderful books this past year. I did. I was only sorry that all of my "favorites" couldn't make it onto the list.
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