Today's Question:
We've been blessed to finally start seeing some of our favorite Christian books come to life on film. So far, these have been largely low budget films, but they generally get the heart of the books across. But my question for you is...if you had an unlimited budget, what Christian fiction book would you like to see made into a film? Who would you cast in the main roles? Would you have a preference on director? Any songs you'd like to see on the soundtrack?

My Answer?

A Woman's Place by Lynn Austin. I just *love, love, love* this one. It's set in the 1940s. It's during World War 2. It features four women--four strangers, all from different generations--becoming friends and coming together. What they all have in common is their love of country and their desire to help the war effort by taking factory jobs.
The four women are Virginia (in her 30s, a housewife); Rosa (newlywed; 20's); Helen (50s), Jean (just out of high school; late teens). I don't really have preferences on the actresses--as long as the costuming and such is good and they can, you know, actually act. Same with directors. And screenwriters. But I wouldn't trust the team behind the nonsensical renderings of Janette Oke's series. The first one was okay. The second was a bit cheesy. The third was a lot cheesy. The fourth was almost unbearable. And the fifth I couldn't bring myself to watch because just by reading the premise you could tell bloody murder had been done.
I have lots of ideas on music soundtracks. Swing, swing, swing!!! As for the original score, I am a BIG, BIG fan of Harry Gregson-Williams. Or George Fenton. Those two are my favorites.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
LOL about the team behind Janette Oke's series.
I have no idea what happened, but they seem to keep coming out...
Love this period of historical fiction, will definitely add this one to my TBR list.
Now that does sound cool. :-)
I loved A Woman's Place! It was my first Lynn Austin book - but since then I have started the Kings and Prophets series which I like just as much. You are right - it would make a great movie!
That was one of my choices! Come see.
I am glad to know about the Faith 'n Fiction Saturdays. My Faith in Literature group is always on the lookout for new reads!
I haven't read any of Lynn Austen's books, but I'm seeing her name all over, so maybe I should pick one up!
I just love period movies - maybe future generations will say that about us some day, but I think it is great to see how things were!!
:) Wendi
I'd like to see 'Inklings' the first book in Melanie Jeschke's 'The Oxford Chronicles' filmed. The story is quite romantic with a great locale. Has anyone read it? The writing was not the best but the idea was fantastic enough to carry it through.
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