Martin, C.K. Kelly. 2008. I Know It's Over.
The first time Sasha lay spread across my bed, I felt like the world had changed.
I Know It's Over is a tale of love lost. Make that first love lost. Nick and Sasha had a great least for a little while. But it's not to be. A few mistakes made that can't be unmade--well, maybe they can be unmade, but they can't be forgotten even if they can be forgiven. It's a bittersweet story of a boy and girl falling in love with one another and discovering what it's like to be.
A month after their bitter breakup, Nick gets the surprise of his life when his ex-girlfriend Sasha shows up at his house on Christmas Eve to deliver him with life-changing news: she's pregnant. The book tells the story--not strictly in chronological order--of the romance from beginning to end. It's full of ups and downs. At times sweet and innocent and hopeful. Other times achingly bittersweet and sorrowful. Plenty of angst. I think it is always authentic especially in some of the awkward scenes.
This is YA romance from the male perspective. It is well-written. Very well-written. I don't doubt for a second that this one will end up on my list of favorite, favorite, favorite books of the year.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I really want to read this one! Must go out and get it soon! :)
Nice review. I really want to read this as well. It's always nice to read things from a "guy's" perspective, I think, even if the author isn't male.
Romance from the male perspective, huh? Sounds fascinating.
Sigh. Yet another one for my TBR list. Dang these Cybils!! (Or maybe I should say "Yay for these Cybils"?)
This sounds like a good book, great review!
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